Saturday, 18 June 2011

Baby converse Chuck T

Cuteeeee! These are the coolest, most punk rock little baby Chuck T's ever.  I've found them on  They are easy to knit, even for beginner like me but I must say the changing of the 2 colour yarns were abit messy.  I used 3.75 and 4mm needles with 8 ply wool from Patons, Big Baby.

The star logos were created by white felt and a blue star button, sewing them on to the converse with red threads around the felt.
Both Richard and I didn't have any high cut converse otherwise the photos would come out even better. Hope you enjoy knitting them as much as I did.



  1. your booties came out beautifully! I am struggling with this pattern right now. ..Is it full of errors or am I just doing it wrong? I have to keep starting again, but haven't ever had trouble following patterns before!

  2. Hi Fraggleknits, when i did the booties i don't remember there was any errors in the pattern. But i must confess that the booties looks really messy in the inside cos there's alot of changing colours. Maybe u can tell me where u're having problem, then maybe i can help.
